Source code for aiida_optimize.helpers

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Defines helper functions for using `aiida-optimize`.

import typing as ty

from aiida import orm
from import to_aiida_type

__all__ = ("get_nested_result",)

[docs]def get_nested_result(output: ty.Dict[str, orm.Node], key: str) -> orm.Node: """Helper function to retrieve nested outputs from AiiDA processes. This function supports the nested key syntax: - Namespaces are separated by a period - A colon ``:`` indicates accessing inside an AiiDA ``Dict`` - Nested access inside the `Dict` is again separated by a period Examples: - ``'x.y'``: retrieve output ``y`` in the ``x`` namespace - ``'x.y:a.b'``: ``x.y`` is a ``Dict``, and we retrieve its content at ``['a']['b']``. Parameters ---------- output : The outputs of a process, given as a dictionary mapping output labels to values. key : The key for which the output should be retrieved. Returns ------- orm.Node : The desired result, as an AiiDA node. """ nesting_kind = None if ":" in key: node_label, output_label = key.split(":") nesting_kind = "Dict" else: node_label = key node_label = node_label.replace(".", "__") node = output[node_label] if nesting_kind == "Dict": if not isinstance(node, orm.Dict): raise TypeError(f"{node} was expected to be orm.Dict, is {type(node)}") keys = output_label.split(".") result = node for key_part in keys: result = result[key_part] # TODO: do we need to `.store()` here? result = to_aiida_type(result) else: result = node # type: ignore return result