Source code for aiida_optimize.engines._nelder_mead

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# ******NOTICE***************
# module by Travis E. Oliphant
# You may copy and use this module as you see fit with no
# guarantee implied provided you keep this notice in all copies.
# *****END NOTICE************
# The additional license terms given in ADDITIONAL_TERMS.txt apply to this
# file.
# pylint: disable=invalid-name

# © 2017-2019, ETH Zurich, Institut für Theoretische Physik
# Author: Dominik Gresch <>
Defines a Nelder-Mead optimization engine.

import typing as ty

from aiida import orm
from decorator import decorator
import numpy as np
import scipy.linalg as la

from ..helpers import get_nested_result
from .base import OptimizationEngineImpl, OptimizationEngineWrapper

__all__ = ["NelderMead"]

RHO = 1
CHI = 2
PSI = 0.5
SIGMA = 0.5

def update_method(next_submit=None):
    Decorator for methods which update the results.

    def inner(func, self, outputs):
        self.next_submit = next_submit
        self.next_update = None
        func(self, outputs)

    return inner

def submit_method(next_update=None):
    Decorator for methods which submit new evaluations.

    def inner(func, self):
        self.next_submit = None
        self.next_update = next_update
        return func(self)

    return inner

class _NelderMeadImpl(OptimizationEngineImpl):
    Implementation class for the Nelder-Mead optimization engine.

    def __init__(  # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
        simplex: ty.List[float],
        fun_simplex: ty.Optional[ty.List[float]],
        xtol: ty.Optional[float],
        ftol: ty.Optional[float],
        max_iter: int,
        input_key: str,
        result_key: str,
        extra_points: ty.Optional[ty.Dict[str, ty.Tuple[float, float]]] = None,
        super().__init__(logger=logger, result_state=result_state)

        self.simplex = np.array(simplex)
        assert len(self.simplex) == self.simplex.shape[1] + 1

        self.fun_simplex: ty.Optional[np.ndarray]  # type: ignore
        if fun_simplex is None:
            self.fun_simplex = None
            self.fun_simplex = np.array(fun_simplex)

        self.xtol: float = xtol if xtol is not None else np.inf
        self.ftol: float = ftol if ftol is not None else np.inf

        self.max_iter = max_iter
        self.num_iter = num_iter

        if extra_points is None:
            self.extra_points: ty.Dict[str, ty.Tuple[float, float]] = {}
            self.extra_points = dict(extra_points)

        self.input_key = input_key
        self.result_key = result_key

        self.next_submit = next_submit
        self.next_update = next_update

        self.finished = finished
        self.exceeded_max_iters = exceeded_max_iters

    def _get_values(self, outputs):
        return [get_nested_result(res, self.result_key).value for _, res in sorted(outputs.items())]

    def _get_single_result(self, outputs):
        (idx,) = outputs.keys()
        x = np.array(self._result_mapping[idx].input[self.input_key].get_attribute("list"))
        f = get_nested_result(outputs[idx], self.result_key).value
        return x, f

    def submit_initialize(self):"Submitting initialization step.")
        return [self._to_input_list(x) for x in self.simplex]

    def _to_input_list(self, x):
        input_list = orm.List()
        return {self.input_key: input_list}

    def update_initialize(self, outputs):
        self.fun_simplex = np.array(self._get_values(outputs))

    def new_iter(self):  # pylint: disable=missing-function-docstring
        if self.finished:
            self.next_update = "finalize"
            return []
        self.num_iter += 1
            f"Start of Nelder-Mead iteration {self.num_iter}, max number of iterations: {self.max_iter}."
        xr = (1 + RHO) * self.xbar - RHO * self.simplex[-1]
        self.next_update = "choose_step"
        return [self._to_input_list(xr)]

    def finalize(self, outputs):

    def xbar(self):
        return np.average(self.simplex[:-1], axis=0)

    def do_sort(self):
        idx = np.argsort(self.fun_simplex)
        self.fun_simplex = np.take(self.fun_simplex, idx, axis=0)
        self.simplex = np.take(self.simplex, idx, axis=0)

    def check_finished(self):
        Updates the 'finished' attribute.
        x_dist_max = np.max(la.norm(self.simplex[1:] - self.simplex[0], axis=-1))"Maximum distance value for the simplex: {x_dist_max}")
        f_diff_max = np.max(np.abs(self.fun_simplex[1:] - self.fun_simplex[0]))"Maximum function difference: {f_diff_max}")
        self.finished = (x_dist_max < self.xtol) and (f_diff_max < self.ftol)
            f"End of Nelder-Mead iteration {self.num_iter}, max number of iterations: {self.max_iter}."
        if not self.finished:
            if self.num_iter >= self.max_iter:
      "Number of iterations exceeded the maximum. Stop.")
                self.exceeded_max_iters = True
                self.finished = True

    def choose_step(self, outputs):
        Method which selects the next step to be performed.
        xr, fxr = self._get_single_result(outputs)
        self.extra_points = {"xr": (xr, fxr)}
        if fxr < self.fun_simplex[0]:
            self.next_submit = "submit_expansion"
            if fxr < self.fun_simplex[-2]:
                self._update_last(xr, fxr)
                self.next_submit = "new_iter"
                if fxr < self.fun_simplex[-1]:
                    self.next_submit = "submit_contraction"
                    self.next_submit = "submit_inside_contraction"

    def _update_last(self, x, f):
        self.simplex[-1] = x
        self.fun_simplex[-1] = f

    def submit_expansion(self):"Submitting expansion step.")
        xe = (1 + RHO * CHI) * self.xbar - RHO * CHI * self.simplex[-1]
        return [self._to_input_list(xe)]

    def update_expansion(self, outputs):
        Retrieve the results of an expansion step.
        xe, fxe = self._get_single_result(outputs)
        xr, fxr = self.extra_points["xr"]
        if fxe < fxr:
            self._update_last(xe, fxe)
            self._update_last(xr, fxr)

    def submit_contraction(self):"Submitting contraction step.")
        xc = (1 + PSI * RHO) * self.xbar - PSI * RHO * self.simplex[-1]
        return [self._to_input_list(xc)]

    def update_contraction(self, outputs):
        Retrieve the results of a contraction step.
        xc, fxc = self._get_single_result(outputs)
        _, fxr = self.extra_points["xr"]
        if fxc < fxr:
            self._update_last(xc, fxc)
            self.next_submit = "new_iter"
            self.next_submit = "submit_shrink"

    def submit_inside_contraction(self):"Submitting inside contraction step.")
        xcc = (1 - PSI) * self.xbar + PSI * self.simplex[-1]
        return [self._to_input_list(xcc)]

    def update_inside_contraction(self, outputs):
        Retrieve the results of an inside contraction step.
        xcc, fxcc = self._get_single_result(outputs)
        if fxcc < self.fun_simplex[-1]:
            self._update_last(xcc, fxcc)
            self.next_submit = "new_iter"
            self.next_submit = "submit_shrink"

    def submit_shrink(self):  # pylint: disable=missing-function-docstring"Submitting shrink step.")
        self.simplex[1:] = self.simplex[0] + SIGMA * (self.simplex[1:] - self.simplex[0])
        self.fun_simplex[1:] = np.nan
        return [self._to_input_list(x) for x in self.simplex[1:]]

    def update_shrink(self, outputs):
        self.fun_simplex[1:] = self._get_values(outputs)

    def _state(self):
        state_dict = {
            k: v
            for k, v in self.__dict__.items()
            if k not in ["_result_mapping", "_logger", "xtol", "ftol"]
        # Hide inf values before passing on to AiiDA
        state_dict["xtol"] = self.xtol if self.xtol < np.inf else None
        state_dict["ftol"] = self.ftol if self.ftol < np.inf else None
        return state_dict

    def is_finished(self):
        return self.finished

    def is_finished_ok(self):
        return self.is_finished and not self.exceeded_max_iters

    def _create_inputs(self):
        return getattr(self, self.next_submit)()

    def _update(self, outputs):
        getattr(self, self.next_update)(outputs)

    def result_value(self):
        value = super().result_value  # pylint: disable=no-member
        assert value.value == self.fun_simplex[0]
        return value

    def _get_optimal_result(self):
        Return the index and optimization value of the best evaluation process.
        cost_values = {
            k: get_nested_result(v.output, self.result_key) for k, v in self._result_mapping.items()
        opt_index, opt_output = min(cost_values.items(), key=lambda item: item[1].value)
        opt_input = self._result_mapping[opt_index].input[self.input_key]

        return (opt_index, opt_input, opt_output)

    def get_engine_outputs(self):
        return {"last_simplex": orm.List(list=self.simplex.tolist()).store()}

[docs]class NelderMead(OptimizationEngineWrapper): """ Engine to perform the Nelder-Mead (downhill simplex) method. :param simplex: The current / initial simplex. Must be of shape (N + 1, N), where N is the dimension of the problem. :type simplex: array :param fun_simplex: Function values at the simplex positions. :type fun_simplex: array :param xtol: Tolerance for the input x. :type xtol: float :param ftol: Tolerance for the function value. :type ftol: float :param max_iter: Maximum number of iteration steps. :type max_iter: int :param input_key: Name of the input argument in the evaluation process. :type input_key: str :param result_key: Name of the output argument in the evaluation process. :type result_key: str """ _IMPL_CLASS = _NelderMeadImpl def __new__( # pylint: disable=arguments-differ,too-many-arguments cls, simplex, fun_simplex=None, xtol=1e-4, ftol=1e-4, max_iter=1000, input_key="x", result_key="result", logger=None, ): return cls._IMPL_CLASS( # pylint: disable=no-member simplex=simplex, fun_simplex=fun_simplex, xtol=xtol, ftol=ftol, max_iter=max_iter, input_key=input_key, result_key=result_key, logger=logger, )