Source code for aiida_optimize.engines._bisection

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# © 2017-2019, ETH Zurich, Institut für Theoretische Physik
# Author: Dominik Gresch <>
Defines a 1D bisection optimization engine.

import typing as ty

from aiida import orm

from ..helpers import get_nested_result
from ._result_mapping import Result
from .base import OptimizationEngineImpl, OptimizationEngineWrapper

__all__ = ["Bisection"]

class _BisectionImpl(OptimizationEngineImpl):
    Implementation class for the bisection optimization engine.

    def __init__(
        lower: float,
        upper: float,
        tol: float,
        input_key: ty.Union[str, ty.Iterable[str]],
        result_key: str,
        target_value: float,
        logger: ty.Any,
        result_state: ty.Optional[ty.Dict[int, Result]] = None,
        initialized: bool = False,
        super().__init__(logger=logger, result_state=result_state)
        self.lower = lower
        self.upper = upper
        self.initialized = initialized
        self.tol = tol
        if isinstance(input_key, str):
            self.input_key = [input_key]
            self.input_key = list(input_key)
        self.result_key = result_key
        self.target_value = target_value

    def _state(self) -> ty.Dict[str, ty.Any]:
        return {k: v for k, v in self.__dict__.items() if k not in ["_result_mapping", "_logger"]}

    def is_finished(self) -> bool:
        return abs(self.upper - self.lower) < self.tol

    def average(self) -> float:
        return (self.upper + self.lower) / 2.0

    def _create_inputs(self) -> ty.List[ty.Dict[str, orm.Float]]:
        if not self.initialized:
            return [
                {in_key: orm.Float(self.lower) for in_key in self.input_key},
                {in_key: orm.Float(self.upper) for in_key in self.input_key},
        return [{in_key: orm.Float(self.average) for in_key in self.input_key}]

    def _update(self, outputs: ty.Dict[int, ty.Any]) -> None:
        output_values = outputs.values()
        num_vals = len(output_values)
        if not self.initialized:
            self.initialized = True
            assert num_vals == 2
            # initial step: change upper such that the _result_ of upper is higher
            results = ty.cast(
                ty.Sequence[ty.Union[orm.Int, orm.Float]],
                [get_nested_result(val, self.result_key) for val in output_values],
            lower_val, upper_val = results
            if lower_val > upper_val:
                self.lower, self.upper = self.upper, self.lower
            if min(results) > self.target_value or max(results) < self.target_value:
                # TODO: add exit code
                raise ValueError(f"Target value '{self.target_value}' is outside range '{results}'")
            assert num_vals == 1
            res = get_nested_result(next(iter(output_values)), self.result_key)
            res = ty.cast(ty.Union[orm.Int, orm.Float], res)
            if (res - self.target_value) > 0:
                self.upper = self.average
                self.lower = self.average

    def _get_optimal_result(self) -> ty.Tuple[int, ty.Any, Result]:
        Return the index and optimization value of the best evaluation workflow.
        output_values = {
            key: get_nested_result(value.output, self.result_key)
            for key, value in ty.cast(
                # .items() is exposed dynamically via '_result_mapping.__getattr__'
                ty.Tuple[int, ty.Any],
        opt_index, opt_output = min(
            output_values.items(), key=lambda item: abs(item[1].value - self.target_value)  # type: ignore
        opt_input = self._result_mapping[opt_index].input[self.input_key[0]]
        return (opt_index, opt_input, opt_output)  # type: ignore

[docs]class Bisection(OptimizationEngineWrapper): """ Optimization engine that performs a bisection. :param lower: Lower boundary for the bisection. :type lower: float :param upper: Upper boundary for the bisection. :type upper: float :param tol: Tolerance in the input value. :type tol: float :param input_key: Name of the input to be varied in the optimization. :type input_key: str :param result_key: Name of the output which contains the evaluated function. :type result_key: str :param target_value: Target value of the function towards which it should be optimized. :type target_value: float """ _IMPL_CLASS = _BisectionImpl def __new__( # type: ignore # pylint: disable=arguments-differ cls, lower: float, upper: float, *, tol: float = 1e-6, input_key: str = "x", result_key: str = "result", target_value: float = 0.0, logger: ty.Optional[ty.Any] = None, ) -> _BisectionImpl: return cls._IMPL_CLASS( # pylint: disable=no-member lower=lower, upper=upper, tol=tol, input_key=input_key, result_key=result_key, target_value=target_value, logger=logger, )